Hello everyone! As this is my first entry here, I shall point out what this blog will be about.
I always wanted to have a website that consisted of vast sections full of different miniatures painted by me. Yet as my interests are rather narrow, I just don't have enough material to make such site interesting. Because of that I decided to start a blog in which I will show my painted miniatures, and maybe one day enough material will be gathered so a full blog/site could be launched.
If it comes to my "narrow interests" as I mentioned earlier, I am a dwarf-addict. My addiction started years ago, and now I have one of the biggest old citadel dwarfs collection in Poland, fallowed by small reaper dwarf force, confrontation dwarf band, foundry norse dwarfs, warmachine dwarf mercenaries and squats ( space dwarfs ) from warhammer 40k. Yet most of my miniatures are unpainted, as I am a slow painter, and one that likes to strip paint from ugly models ( I strip more models per year than I paint ). Still there are some other projects : vikings/norsemen, and small russian army for game called Spearhead. I would happily buy some other stuff also, like saxons, byzantines, old undead/orc or some elfs, but due to the amount of unpainted miniatures and limited budget these still wait for their time to come.
I hope to post some stuff each week, and also that people will enjoy some of it + post some comments, as these are the water that keeps a blog wheel going.