Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Illness and work..

Hail brother painters! Dark times have come, as instead of painting miniatures I must spend half of my time in job, and what is more, a powerful flu attacked my throat bringing despair to my body defense system. I hope to face them in battle soon:P Anyway I managed to paint some little fellas, and so three more stunties are shown, without bases, but those shall be done when more bearded warriors amass under "the newly painted" banner.

I experimented a bit on these models, on their weapons and copper parts, but I am quite happy with the skin recipe I found lately, it fits my needs, and isn't to time consuming ( well it is time consuming anyway, but less than some other, poorer attempts by me ).

Till next time!


Dogui said...

Thanks for your comments and your advice. I will try it with my next wood elves when basing them. I have added your blog to my links too. Hope you keep these dwarves coming!


Gorim said...

Thanks! I won't be able to post anything for 4-5 days, yet I hope to put few dwarfs after that period.

Unknown said...

Gorim, get back to working on what's important, I really miss seeing your minis!